Scott Fitzpatrick

Scott Fitzpatrick

Birthday: October 5, 1981 in Anchorage, Alaska, USA
Originally from Anchorage, Alaska - Scott is a composer/musician living and working out of Burbank, CA. He was trained as a cinematographer and editor after high school at the Los Angeles Film School, where he learned about cinematic pacing through cutting many short films and directing several more. He left Hollywood in 2006 to attend the Universi... Show more »
Originally from Anchorage, Alaska - Scott is a composer/musician living and working out of Burbank, CA. He was trained as a cinematographer and editor after high school at the Los Angeles Film School, where he learned about cinematic pacing through cutting many short films and directing several more. He left Hollywood in 2006 to attend the University of Alaska as a music major, having played guitar since an early age and writing the punk and rock bands he formed throughout his life. It was during this time that he fell in love with classical music, and first started entertaining the idea of film scoring, as it synthesized his love of film with his love of music. In 2010 he moved back to LA to begin studying film scoring, but the downturn in the economy after the great crash proved finding work difficult, so he took a job at Warner Music in their video archives as an engineer. Six years later he was financially stable and ready to finally start on the path he'd been dreaming of for over a decade, enrolling in the UCLA Film Scoring program. Show less «
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