Sarah Patterson

Sarah Patterson

Birthday: April 22, 1972 in UK
Very little is known about this lovely young actress, who had a wonderful debut in Neil Jordan's La compagnie des loups (1984) which was thought to have led to a solid career. However, for one reason or another, she opted only to appear in one more film, Cannon Movie Tales Snow White (1987), which was shot on location in Israel. The dark-haire... Show more »
Very little is known about this lovely young actress, who had a wonderful debut in Neil Jordan's La compagnie des loups (1984) which was thought to have led to a solid career. However, for one reason or another, she opted only to appear in one more film, Cannon Movie Tales Snow White (1987), which was shot on location in Israel. The dark-haired, pale-skinned Patterson was the perfect choice for the lead role, and in both of the fairy-tale themed films she displayed a great talent for both serious and comedic acting. Since neither of these films were huge commercial successes, Sarah Patterson retired from the big screen and settled down. Sources say she is now married and happy. There were some rumors within the past year or so that said she would be making a return to acting, but they have failed to materialize. Today both of her films have gathered small cult followings, so whether or not she ever returns to acting, she will never be forgotten. Show less «
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