Patrick Phaiyakounh

Patrick Phaiyakounh

Patrick Phaiyakounh began acting at the age of 19 through the Canberra Academy of Dramatic Arts where he completed a Diploma in Acting with Caroline O'brien. He has starred in several short films and features in Australia. Under his belt of filming credentials he has also starred in TVCs and other media outlet advertisements. He is also undert... Show more »
Patrick Phaiyakounh began acting at the age of 19 through the Canberra Academy of Dramatic Arts where he completed a Diploma in Acting with Caroline O'brien. He has starred in several short films and features in Australia. Under his belt of filming credentials he has also starred in TVCs and other media outlet advertisements. He is also undertaking American Accent training to assist in his growth in becoming a more versatile actor. Show less «
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