Katie Kampmann

Katie Kampmann

Birthday: July 13, 1985 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Birth Name: Katherine Preston Kampmann
Height: 173 cm
Katie Kampmann, or "Kampmann" as most of her friends call her, was born in Philadelphia to Megan Kampmann and Paul Young. Her uncle, Steven Kampmann needed a baby to play the part of baby Hope (a character based on her real-life mother) in his movie "Stealing Home" so naturally he picked his 3 year-old-niece Katie. The main char... Show more »
Katie Kampmann, or "Kampmann" as most of her friends call her, was born in Philadelphia to Megan Kampmann and Paul Young. Her uncle, Steven Kampmann needed a baby to play the part of baby Hope (a character based on her real-life mother) in his movie "Stealing Home" so naturally he picked his 3 year-old-niece Katie. The main character of the movie was named after Katie, and then played by Jodie Foster. Katie now attends Gwynedd Mercy Academy for Girls. Show less «
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