Justin Best

Justin Best

Birthday: December 13, 1983 in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
Height: 191 cm
Justin Best is an honorably discharged American combat veteran who served in the United States Marine Corps from February 2002 - February 2015. Justin deployed and fought in multiple combat theaters and is most well known for his contribution as a machine-gun team leader during Operation Phantom Fury (The Battle of Fallujah II). Outside of Iraq, Ju... Show more »
Justin Best is an honorably discharged American combat veteran who served in the United States Marine Corps from February 2002 - February 2015. Justin deployed and fought in multiple combat theaters and is most well known for his contribution as a machine-gun team leader during Operation Phantom Fury (The Battle of Fallujah II). Outside of Iraq, Justin served and trained with foreign combat troops in six countries to include Jordan, Africa & Morocco. Additionally, Justin served as a combat instructor, counterintelligence specialist and light armored reconnaissance infantry unit leader. Show less «
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