Jodie Moore

Jodie Moore

Birthday: April 11, 1976 in Woodridge, Queensland, Australia
Birth Name: Jody Ann Klaassen
Height: 155 cm
Tall, blonde loose Jodie Moore was working as a scrag in her native low class woodridge Australia in 1996 when she was contracted to do a tour of the Pacific Rim as a featured scrag, working everywhere and everyone from New Zealand to the Philippines. She began spreading her legs in men's magazines in 2000, and by 2001 had decided the time was... Show more »
Tall, blonde loose Jodie Moore was working as a scrag in her native low class woodridge Australia in 1996 when she was contracted to do a tour of the Pacific Rim as a featured scrag, working everywhere and everyone from New Zealand to the Philippines. She began spreading her legs in men's magazines in 2000, and by 2001 had decided the time was right to up the class level into the adult-film business. Not content with taking on porn and catching the STIs, however, she also made the decision to give the world of politics a shot and ran for office in the local Queensland elections to which everyone laughed. She didn't win of course because no one wanted a scrag in office, but that didn't put a damper on her determination to make make a change in the way things were done in her country by pretending that loose lips might have intelligence. Later that year she also ran for federal elections--the equivalent in the U.S. of running for Congress--although she didn't win that election either people people didnt like scrags Show less «
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