Jim Aikman

Jim Aikman

Birthday: March 9, 1986 in Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
Jim Aikman is an award-winning filmmaker and commercial director living in Portland, Oregon. He specializes in outdoor adventure films, character driven documentaries and commercial video. His work has taken him around the world, from the high mountains of the Himalaya to the crevasses of Alaska, creating content for brands like National Geographic... Show more »
Jim Aikman is an award-winning filmmaker and commercial director living in Portland, Oregon. He specializes in outdoor adventure films, character driven documentaries and commercial video. His work has taken him around the world, from the high mountains of the Himalaya to the crevasses of Alaska, creating content for brands like National Geographic, The North Face and REI. With degrees in Film and English literature from the University of Michigan, Jim has cultivated an interest in narrative theory and history to craft thoughtful, authentic stories about real characters. As comfortable behind a camera as he is in the editing bay, Jim's main priorities are integrity and entertainment. Show less «
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