Jean Hanna

Jean Hanna

Birthday: 1942 in St. James, New York, USA
Jean Hanna was born Jean Marr in St. James, New York in 1942 (some sources list 1943). She left home in her late teens to pursue a dream of acting and modeling. In 1961, she was named Playboy Magazine's Miss October. She moved from New York to Miami, Florida in the early 1960s where she appeared in a number of acting roles. Hanna is best known... Show more »
Jean Hanna was born Jean Marr in St. James, New York in 1942 (some sources list 1943). She left home in her late teens to pursue a dream of acting and modeling. In 1961, she was named Playboy Magazine's Miss October. She moved from New York to Miami, Florida in the early 1960s where she appeared in a number of acting roles. Hanna is best known for some parts in the films Goldfinger and Shanty Tramp. After her stage and film career ended, Hanna became a market researcher. She married briefly and had a daughter, Kimberley. She died at age 64 following a four year battle with colon cancer. Besides her daughter, she was survived by her grandchildren Karina and Brianna, her son-in-law Ray LaFuci,her partner David Howell, and her brother Jim Marr. Show less «
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