David Stevenson

David Stevenson

Birth Name: David D Stevenson
Height: 191 cm
Director, Producer, Actor, Stunts performer/coordinatorDavid Stevenson's life has been enriched with an the intimate experience of music from the beginning of his birth and is no stranger to the entertainment industry. As an accomplished actor, musician, stunt director, and choreographer, he has been able to fulfill his career goals in many wa... Show more »
Director, Producer, Actor, Stunts performer/coordinatorDavid Stevenson's life has been enriched with an the intimate experience of music from the beginning of his birth and is no stranger to the entertainment industry. As an accomplished actor, musician, stunt director, and choreographer, he has been able to fulfill his career goals in many ways. He has worked on many films, most notably; X-Men, Down to Earth, The Blues Brothers 2000, and Cool Runnings.Standing at the threshold of success, David continues to ambitiously fulfill his life long dreams as he recently finished writing a book called "Dangerous Days". It was released last year, and is an action/adventure novel that can guarantee to keep you at the edge of your seat. His passion for martial arts is relayed within the novel. After the success of his new book Dangerous Days, he has been working hard to put together a movie based on the novel. He is also working on a film called, "Lock Down," which is still in the developments.David Stevenson always strives to become an active role model within his community and to those who surround him. His knowledge in psychology and being able to manage aggressive behaviors has led him to work with young offenders and troubled youths. He strives to implement unity, peace, and harmony amongst these youths. He recently released a documentary called, "You Can Fly," which captures the essence of what it means to use one's status to uplift and motivate others. "You Can Fly" was purposed to send a positive message to youths.David Stevenson has been busy since the release of his documentary, which in fact attracted hundreds to the opening. The next step for him is releasing it worldwide, and what better way to do it than at the Independent Film Festival in Washington D.C. Show less «
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