Brandon Riley

Brandon Riley

Brandon is an Assistant Director and Producer who resides in Los Angeles, California.He was born and raised in Texas and got his start early telling stories and managing his peers as the editor of his school's newspaper and yearbook.Brandon attended the University of North Texas and graduated with a bachelors in Radio/TV/Film and a minor in Ph... Show more »
Brandon is an Assistant Director and Producer who resides in Los Angeles, California.He was born and raised in Texas and got his start early telling stories and managing his peers as the editor of his school's newspaper and yearbook.Brandon attended the University of North Texas and graduated with a bachelors in Radio/TV/Film and a minor in Philosophy.Shortly after college, Brandon worked for a non-profit as a Video Producer for several years. During this time, he developed his craft both technically and artistically as a storyteller, advancing in all aspects of film-making. During this time Brandon produced hundreds of short-format projects from script to screen.In 2015 Brandon produced his first feature film Alison's Choice set to release later in the year. Show less «
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