Anna Cecilia

Anna Cecilia

A native Texan, Anna knew that she wanted to be an actress from a very young age. Unfortunately, at 7-years-old, Anna was diagnosed with severe Trichotillomania, a disease that would affect her self-esteem for many years. Painfully shy, she was certain her dreams were simply going to remain just that. However, at 27, a chance opportunity to auditio... Show more »
A native Texan, Anna knew that she wanted to be an actress from a very young age. Unfortunately, at 7-years-old, Anna was diagnosed with severe Trichotillomania, a disease that would affect her self-esteem for many years. Painfully shy, she was certain her dreams were simply going to remain just that. However, at 27, a chance opportunity to audition for an improv and sketch comedy group would finally set the ball into motion, and allow her to pursue a career in both film and stage.In 2017, Anna became a member of a dinner theater, with whom she performed for three years. Anna continues to create her own content, and looks forward to being able to collaborate with other artists.Anna currently resides in southeast Virginia with her husband, an active duty US sailor, and she's a proud mom to two awesome kids...and several pets... Show less «
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