Ann Bradley

Ann Bradley

Birthday: December 12, 1916 in Glastonbury, Connecticut, USA
Birth Name: Anne Hurlburt
Some of Anne's early work included radio in New York City with Louis Nye and Ed Begley. She was turned down for the role of Scarlet O'Hara in "Gone with the Wind", but although she chose the life of mother and homemaker over a professional acting career, she was active in community theater in Boulder, Colorado. When her children... Show more »
Some of Anne's early work included radio in New York City with Louis Nye and Ed Begley. She was turned down for the role of Scarlet O'Hara in "Gone with the Wind", but although she chose the life of mother and homemaker over a professional acting career, she was active in community theater in Boulder, Colorado. When her children got older, she began, once more, to pursue professional acting, landing a few small parts in film and TV, and a lot of commercial jobs. Her career ended in 1993 when a stroke left her partially paralized. Show less «
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