Andras Sunyi

Andras Sunyi

Birth Name: Andras Istvan Sunyi
Height: 189 cm
Andras Sunyi, son of Hungarian immigrants was born and raised in Sweden. In his younger years, his adventurous personality often led him to stray of the regular path of life.He finished secondary technical school with honors and soon after joined the Swedish military armed forces. After his discharge, he went into business of his own.He took an int... Show more »
Andras Sunyi, son of Hungarian immigrants was born and raised in Sweden. In his younger years, his adventurous personality often led him to stray of the regular path of life.He finished secondary technical school with honors and soon after joined the Swedish military armed forces. After his discharge, he went into business of his own.He took an interest in show business after attending as an extra in several Swedish and international movie productions. He decided to try his luck as an actor and was cast as a principal actor in the short film Torkat Blomster.After portraying a WW2 German Major while filming the pilot for "To the one who writes history (2015)", the attending Swedish WW2 reenacting group, MKHF 2:nd Panzer Division Scandinavia invited him to join as an honorary member.After attending stuntman training lead by member of Hollywood stuntmen's hall of fame, chief instructor Lars Lundgren Permis de tuer (1989) Total Recall (1990), he got in touch with Fredrik Hiller, producer"/director of Operation Ragnarök (2018).Fredrik Hiller came and visited Andras Sunyi in his home in south of Sweden based on credentials on his performance from his stunt instructor Lars Lundgren.Andras Sunyi agreed to supply props in form of a German WW2 StuG III (mobile artillery tank) and military manpower for Operation Ragnarök (2018).During the visit, Andras Sunyi got cast as a machine gun solider in Operation Ragnarök (2018). Show less «
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