Amanda Dole

Amanda Dole

Birthday: January 31, 1965 in Sydney, Australia
Height: 168 cm
Amanda Dole was born in Sydney, Australia in January 1965 and educated at a Brigidine convent in St Ives on Sydney's Upper North Shore. She caught public attention at 16 when she appeared as Australian Playboy's youngest Playmate of the Month in December 1981. Amanda parlayed that into a bit part in Dead Easy (1982). After an encore picto... Show more »
Amanda Dole was born in Sydney, Australia in January 1965 and educated at a Brigidine convent in St Ives on Sydney's Upper North Shore. She caught public attention at 16 when she appeared as Australian Playboy's youngest Playmate of the Month in December 1981. Amanda parlayed that into a bit part in Dead Easy (1982). After an encore pictorial in October 1982 (billed as "sexy, starstruck and just seventeen") and a few other bit parts she was chosen as Australian Playboy's Playmate Of The Year in 1983.Amanda broke through to her only leading role in Pandemonium (1987)which flopped. She drifted out of show business after that and resurfaced in the 1990s with a different surname as a union recruiter. Show less «
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